Hello world!

Hello everyone! My name is Krish Shankar and my dad Stan Shankar we are going to publish a book regarding a hot topic today. Immigration. Here is the description.

 “In a country where hope fades fast and dreams change into nightmares, this is the story of an immigrant family from Sonepat, Haryana in India. This is the story of a father and son where fading dreams of a new life in the United States is enmeshed with the story of a little boy intent on doing well in school in a place that he believes to be a wonderland. When nightmares mix with dreams what survives is hope.”

Visa In the Sandbox (the name of the book) book takes two perspectives, the little boy (Krishna), and the father (Ashok). There are more characters in the book that will keep you attached for a long time.

I can’t spoil anymore for you, but I will say this. The book will be published on amazon (the release date is not yet finalized) for $5.00. I hope you will buy, read, and enjoy my book. I will be posting again soon.